PAPER Tristan Hoare gallery Londres
8 June – 7 July 2023
an exhibition curated with Flora Hesketh and Omar Mazhar.
l’ exposition invite à découvrir le matériau dans sa diversité à travers les oeuvres d’artistes utilisant le papier comme medium ,

Sydney Albertini, Manolo Ballesteros, Parme Baratier, Rana Begum, Astha Butail, Sussy Cazalet,
Paolo Colombo, Robyn Denny, Piers Jackson , Ann-Marie James, Y. Z. Kami, Radhika Khimji,
Minjung Kim , Tarka Kings, Alice von Maltzahn, Kathryn Maple, Ben McLaughlin, Francesca Prieto, Emilie Pugh,
Jean-Charles de Ravenel, Georgia Russell, Kurt Schwitters, Orsina Sforza , Richard Smith,
Alexis Soul Gray,
John Stezaker, Kaori Tatebayashi, Maria Thurn und Taxis, William Turnbull,
Alison Watt and Lucy Williams.

Paper, an exhibition curated with Flora Hesketh and Omar Mazhar.
Exhibitions focusing on paper often look through the lens of ‘works on paper,’
but here the material comes to the forefront, bringing together artists who use paper to make the work itself.
Artists included in the exhibiiton are as follows: Sydney Albertini, Manolo Ballesteros, Parme Baratier, Rana Begum,
Astha Butail, Sussy Cazalet, Paolo Colombo, Robyn Denny, Piers Jackson , Ann-Marie James, Y. Z. Kami,
Radhika Khimji, Minjung Kim , Tarka Kings, Alice von Maltzahn, Kathryn Maple, Ben McLaughlin, Francesca Prieto,
Emilie Pugh, Jean-Charles de Ravenel, Georgia Russell, Kurt Schwitters, Orsina Sforza , Richard Smith, Alexis Soul Gray,
John Stezaker, Kaori Tatebayashi, Maria Thurn und Taxis, William Turnbull, Alison Watt and Lucy Williams.
Parme Baratier 42 botanical papers from the garden
PAPER Tristan Hoare gallery Londres
8 June – 7 July 2023
Paper, an exhibition curated with Flora Hesketh and Omar Mazhan.